Bringing Holiday Cheer to Our Service Members

How would it feel be a war hero, alone in a military hospital far from home and family or deployed in a war zone during the holiday season? The Kronos Ed Services @ Your Service team hated the thought that any of our service members might be in that situation, and we decided to make a small difference in their lives. We got together over two lunch periods and wrote 11 boxes of holiday cards, which will be delivered to soldiers as part of the American Red Cross Holiday Mail for Heroes program.

 We cranked up some holiday music and wrote messages of thanks and holiday greetings to 176 soldiers. The cards will now be sorted by the Red Cross and delivered to soldiers around the globe.

A very small commitment of time and effort on our part, but it’s a great feeling to know that we might be bringing small rays of sunshine into the lives of a few of our American heroes.  A great way to celebrate the holiday season!

 Eileen Cushing-Craig

Kronos Giveback Initiative