Ed Services @ Your Service Team Beautifies Chelmsford Open Space

The old TV commercial used to say "Keep America Beautiful" and on Friday, October 26, eight members of the Ed Services home office staff rolled up their sleeves, dug in, and did their part to clean up one of the most beautiful hidden gems in the town of Chelmsford.

The Chelmsford Open Space Stewardship invited the Kronos team to be the first work team to visit the a recently-acquired, historical piece of property called the Old Mill that is beautiful, but in severe need of weed removal and other attention. The Open Space Stewardship plans to rehab the property and use it as an educational site for local school children and other Chelmsford residents.  The location is the site of the first saw mill, and features a beautiful mill stream with a working water wheel that produces hydroelectric power.

Over four-plus hours, the team cut, chopped, raked and removed the huge amount of weeds, thorny vines, undergrowth and overgowth from a large stretch of the mill's property line and also rebuilt a broken gazebo that had taken severe storm damage.

The team members who participated in this very physical (and very rewarding) effort were: Eileen Cushing-Craig, LeAnne Gaudio, Tom Hanlon, Maria Leon, Deb O'Connell, Michael Okeke, Mahesh Thoppae, and Roger Tremblay.

The Chelmsford Open Space Stewardship organization is very grateful that because of our effort, the space is a little closer to becoming a site that all town residents can enjoy. Thanks to everyone for a fantastic effort!  Lots of pictures below.

11/2/2012 Edit:  Here's a link to a nice mention in this week's Chelmsford Independent (paper and online versions).