Giving Back to Adult Children of Alcoholics

Many Kronites spend hours of their personal time every week engaged in giving back to their communities. Sean Donnelly, Training Specialist in Educational Services recently shared the following story of a giveback project in which he is engaged that is very close to his heart.

“I grew up with an Alcoholic parent, and suffered effects of that in my adult life.  Last summer I joined Adult Children of Alcoholics, a support group aimed at helping those that have effects of trauma related to growing up in an alcoholic or dysfunctional home.  We are encouraged to do “service” in these group sessions.  Service could include, helping a group member in a time of need, or taking on a role in the sessions.  I attend these meetings for 2 hours each Sunday where I am a new comer liaison.  I help new people that are coming into the group navigate their way through the program, and find the help that they need.  I also have become a chair person for the sessions, and lead 10 meetings a year.  Right now, this is what I am devoting my personal time to, as it gives me the ability to help myself, as well as help others in need.  Though it may not be giving things, the emotional support that this community needs to get past their troubled history is more than any gift I could personally give.”

Thank you to Sean for sharing this inspiring story. No doubt, his efforts in this organization are greatly appreciated by the families he serves.