Lazarus House Giveback Event

Lazarus House Soup Kitchen – June 13, 2016


The Education Services Giveback team started a Giveback event at Lazarus House in Lawrence. This will be an ongoing event that will take place the second Monday of each month. We will have 4 people serving lunch at the soup kitchen each month and many people within and outside the organization will be part of the rotation. We are participating in this activity to support the Lazarus House Ministries mission of providing food for up to 225 people a day that come to the kitchen. Volunteers are the life blood of the services that Lazarus House provides. Kronos has been a great supporter of Lazarus House and we want to continue that presence in supporting their efforts.


The volunteer coordinator gave us a synopsis of the Services that Lazarus House provides and indicated that the need for services continues to grow. We worked with some of the Lazarus House staff members and we were the servers of the lunch. The inaugural team for this initiative were Peter Broderick, LeAnne Gaudio, Colene MurphyLessard and Roger Tremblay. Pete and Colene served the entrée of spaghetti with meat sauce, mixed vegetables and some sandwiches. LeAnne kept the dessert table full and Roger kept the drinks flowing.


It was a gratifying day for all of us to see that we helped brighten people’s day a little. There was one man that came through the line that was asked: How are you doing? He looked down and indicated “I don’t even know how to answer that.” After finishing lunch the same man came by and said, ask me again. He was asked how are you doing? He said “much better now” and thanked us for coming. It doesn’t take a lot to brighten someone’s day, but we can do it through our Giveback events. There is a signup sheet to keep this going and we are now booked through the end of the year, and will continue after that.