Muscular Dystrophy Association Lockup in Greensboro NC at May 9th, 2013

I recently participated in an MDA fundraising event and wanted to share that information with you.

 I decided to participate in the MDA Lockup in Greensboro NC at May 9th, 2013 for a couple of reasons. 

  • My daughter thought it would be something good to do together (she works for Merrill Lynch in Greensboro NC – Danielle Grimes Dahlby)
  •  I remember being inspired as a young child watching Jerry Lewis do the telethons on TV and I personally have known a few individuals through my church who have been affected by a form of Muscular Dystrophy.

Danielle and I decided to drive instead of being picked up in a “paddy wagon” because I had just flown in late the night before from our Sales Conference in Chicago, Illinois and just spent the night with her instead of driving the hour home.  

We were arrested when we arrived onsite and attached are our mugshots.  We took with us all of our generous contributions and had to raise additional funds to secure our release.  So, instead of one phone call, we made many!

Thanks to the generosity of both our colleagues and friends, we raised close to a combined $1000 for this worthy cause.  

Our main goal was to send as many of the children affected by some form of this debilitating disease to a summer camp.  Every $50 raised assisted in those efforts.

 Our gratitude to everyone who contributed and to Kronos for their support in my efforts.

-Wanda Grimes