Optimization Services and Keith Koberna Give Back to Cleveland Inner City Schools

(Couldn’t take any pictures for this worthy event because the entity was a school and it would have required permission from parents.)

Here’s a few comments from the experience from Keith.

The students in this school come from low-to-no income households.  When you talk to the kids, you learn that most of them live with their grandparents or mother.  Few know their father and of those who do, many of them say their dad’s in jail.  My goal for the day was to provide them with a positive male presence in their life while helping them to have some fun.

Upon arrival in the kindergarten class, I was introduced and said hello.  Many of the children’s eyes grew wide and many of them sat up straight in their little chairs and leaned when they heard my voice.  One little girl said, “Your voice is really, really deep.” I couldn’t help but smile; my smile seemed to put them at ease. 

As the day progressed with me doing a variety of fun activities with the kids, they asked me lots of questions about what I did (they guessed I was a fireman). I told them I worked for a company that helps companies with paying people like their parents and grandparents.  Some of them told me that Family Services pays their mom and some told me that I should help get money to their mommy.  I felt a lump grow in my throat when they said heartbreaking things like this.

We ended up walking to a neighborhood ice cream parlor and bought all of the kids cones and sundaes.  We spent time at the playground and played a little basketball, kickball, and a few games with water balloons and donuts on a rope.  The day was filled with smiles and fun. While the kids had a good time, the day was very rewarding for me and made me realize that I should definitely spend more time visiting kids who are less fortunate.  Thank you Kronos for giving me an opportunity to spend time with such wonderful kids.”