Service Business Development Gives Back Through Junior Achievement and Mike Reed, SSC

Mike Reed volunteered time last week at Doe Run Elementary for Junior Achievement. Here is a brief snapshot of what he covered in 5 – 45 minutes sessions and his feedback on the event. 

A highlight of the day was allowing the children to create their own business, defining the region it would be located in as well as the product they would sell. They determined if transportation was needed from another region to supply their business with a product not available in their area. There were a wide variety of business types! The most unique, a slaughter house! Yes, a slaughter house from a very intelligent young lady who you would not expect that to come from!!!


The final activity (pictures attached) was to break the students into groups of 6 and give them a game where they had different business roles and decisions that need to be made by taking risks. The group (business) that was most profitable was awarded with the “Golden Pencil”! I am happy to say that my daughter Mia was in the winning group!